The Sanjay Nambiar Coaching Process

With some insights, dedication, and specific practices, enriching your life absolutely is possible. It’s not about making massive changes — you don’t need to switch careers, or move to Europe, or join a monastery. Rather, it’s about tapping into what truly matters and cultivating joy on a daily basis.

My process is accessible, research-based, and customized for each client. It is circular and ongoing — we begin at the point that resonates most with you, and then we can move to any other point along the path; it is not linear, as life, in general, is not linear.

The six wellness categories work together to help dads and men make the changes and gain the understanding they need to live a better life.
It's about going from "mid-life crisis" to "mid-life growth".

  • Emotional Well Being

    Emotional Well Being

  • Nutrition & physical health

    Nutrition & physical health

  • Spirituality


  • Creativity


  • Communication


  • Regaining a sense of FUN

    Regaining a sense of FUN


I provide a structured yet flexible approach. I also can create specialized engagements for unique situations.

Initial Intake (part of Breakthrough Package)

  • We start with an in-depth Initial Intake form that explores where you are in and out of balance in the wellness categories (Emotional well-being, Nutritional & physical health, Spirituality, Creativity, Communication, Regaining a sense of FUN).
  • Clients take their time answering these questions, as this Intake will provide a solid foundation for our work ahead.

Breakthrough Package (8 Sessions)

  • After the Initial Intake is completed, the Breakthrough package consists of eight sessions (approximately one hour each). We will dive into each of the six wellness categories of the process and focus on plans, goals, and paths forward.
  • The sessions are designed to illuminate the gaps of where you are now in life and where you want to be. And if you’re not sure where you want to be, I can help you understand and define your journeys and destinations.
  • Through this work, you gain a detailed roadmap with specific tools, actionable techniques, and powerful resources to help you implement the change you desire.

Ongoing Coaching (5 Session Packages)

  • After the Breakthrough sessions, this package consists of five sessions (approximately one hour each). This ongoing work and guidance continuously assesses where you are out of balance in the six wellness categories, while also keeping you accountable to yourself.
  • Over the course of each package, I am there for you every step of the way. The process is about you learning how to become the best version of yourself, and I am there to help you navigate those changes and stay focused.
  • Life is constantly evolving, and the Ongoing Coaching packages give you the support and coaching you deserve to continue being resilient and cultivating the life you want.


I was mid-40’s, blessed with a great and supportive wife, 2 happy, healthy and smart daughters, a great career, great vacations, great friends, etc., and I felt like everyday was a grind and I could no longer find the fun in life or appreciate what I had accomplished. Sanjay helped me change my mindset to one of gratitude, helped me re-define my purpose and goals, and understand how to define my life path going forward.

J.G., Real Estate Investor

Sanjay helped me identify my priorities at a time in my life when I felt suddenly aimless. He showed me how to establish a framework for finding satisfaction in my everyday activities.  After working with Sanjay, I was able to regain a sense of enthusiasm for life.   I’d never worked with a coach before but Sanjay made the process enjoyable.  He has a calming presence and brings a positive outlook to every session. He’s also an intelligent and interesting person and someone I’ve truly enjoyed getting to know.

S.C., Attorney

Sanjay was instrumental in getting my life back on track when I needed it most.  I wasn’t in the best place emotionally or physically when I started Sanjay’s coaching program.  Working with him quickly changed my focus as Sanjay and I worked to get my life back on the track that it’s supposed to be on.  Through his tools, resources, and in depth coaching, Sanjay was able to help me discover who I was and the potential I had inside of me.  As a husband and father of 4, Sanjay helped me find clarity through the everyday stresses of life.  I highly recommend Sanjay Nambiar Coaching!!

M.B., Real Estate Professional

I wouldn’t have been able to go through this transition with this amount of grace without Sanjay’s coaching and highly recommend working with him. Sanjay and his coaching were incredibly helpful to me as I prepared for a meaningful transition in life while juggling a TON (personally and professionally). In addition, Sanjay’s relentless positivity and focus on incremental change helped me feel more in control of my life, more optimistic, and more appreciative of the great things that I have going on.”

V.A., Corporate Executive

“Sanjay’s coaching was invaluable. He helped me gain insights into several key issues and challenges that I was grappling with. He provided several specific tangible tools (meditation techniques, ideas for projects, ways to handle specific situations) that were incredibly helpful. Also, his demeanor and approach are very accessible, which made the whole process very productive and enjoyable. I’m glad he’s there for me as a resource and as support in so many areas of my life!”

R.M., CEO & Entrepreneur

“I was referred to Sanjay during a point in my life where I was feeling stuck and not really sure about the next steps to gain clarity and get unstuck. From my first call with him, I felt safe and supported in sharing my challenges with him. I’ve found my time with him has given me more certainty about my future, more inspiration to be creative and find moments of fun and joy, and helped me connect to my authentic self in a deeper way.”

C.M., Personal Trainer & Entrepreneur